Thursday, December 3, 2020

Rapid Weight Loss After Thyroid Removal

If the thyroid gland is removed through a procedure called a thyroidectomy, your metabolism is disrupted from the lack of thyroid hormones as a result, you could gain weight after the procedure the key to weight loss is keeping up with medical treatment and taking steps on your own to keep your weight in control. Rapid weight loss after thyroid removal. Almost every patient gains weight after having a thyroidectomy in fact, it's considered normal to gain 20-30 pounds and most doctors just shrug it off as "normal" when you consider that thyroid hormone controls the metabolism of your entire body, and that after removing it most patients gain 20-30 pounds - shouldn't we at least consider that something is wrong here?.

rapid weight loss after thyroid removal

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Group without thyroid disease (p=0001) patients with iatrogenic hyperthyroidism (p=0001) for patients who had a thyroidectomy, the greatest weight gain was seen in menopausal women weight gain in these women was greater than in premenopausal women (44 kg vs 23 kg; p=0007) or men (44 kg vs 25 kg, p=0013). After going on replacement thyroid medication after my 2nd surgery, my weight did slowly come down on its own. mind you, i was still following a good eating and excersise plan as well, and i think that helped enormously. there is a lot of concern with many undergoing surgery that they will put on weight..

more info rapid weight loss after thyroid removal ---> click here