Monday, November 2, 2020

Rapid Weight Loss Negative Effects

The more weight you lose, the harder it is to lose more shutterstock regaining weight and weight loss plateaus are common after losing lots of weight, and are often due to a lower metabolic rate according to malkani, that happens as a result of the loss of lean body mass and the fact that the body now needs fewer calories to function. Rapid weight loss negative effects. This results in a weight loss of approximately 3 to 5 pounds per week according to the cleveland clinic, rapid weight loss decreases the gallbladder's ability to contract bile and results in an increased risk of formation of gallstones the risk of this adverse effect can be decreased by losing weight more slowly.

rapid weight loss negative effects

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Dramatic and rapid weight loss can have unexpected negative effects on physical appearance and health to avoid these issues, aim for slow and continuous weight loss which means 1-2 pounds per week this pace gives your body the natural time it needs to adapt.

more info rapid weight loss negative effects ---> click here